
The core of your vehicle's navigation system.

The Nucleus 1000 provides a pre-synchronized navigation sensor package.

Achieve true navigation from a single sensor with this combined DVL and AHRS / INS.

Enjoy simplified integration of your small subsea vehicles' navigation system.

Enables Complete Control

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Is Nucleus1000 the right choice for you?

Altimeter and pressure
Navigation and positioning
Bottom track, water track, current profiling
Roll, pitch and yaw

Everything you need to achieve subsea vehicle navigation and control.

In a single compact device, the Nucleus1000 provides a pre-synchronized sensor package, alleviating the complications associated with coupling electronics and creating a subsea navigation system.

Throwing nucleus into water

Multiple functionalities, one sensor.

Nucleus features
The Nucleus1000 provides synchronized information that traditionally requires multiple sensors and complex integration work to achieve.

A lightweight, compact subsea navigation solution.

Minimizing sensor size and power demands is crucial for small AUVs and ROVs. The Nucleus1000 requires minimal payload on your vehicle and eliminates the need for integrating multiple sensors onboard.

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Where does Nucleus1000 fit into your vehicles navigation system?

Customizable licensing for different applications

Whether you are looking to achieve true navigation or simply basic vehicle control, flexible upgrade options for the Nucleus1000 enable applications of all complexity levels.
Upgrade from an internal AHRS to internal INS to achieve navigational capabilities, or include a current profiling license to gather environmental data from the same sensor you use to navigate.
    Nucleus1000 key specifications
    Practical information
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    Is the Nucleus1000 suitable for me?

    Get in touch with our navigation experts to discuss your application today.