Knowledge center

Providing navigation for underwater vehicles in pioneering robotics project

Nortek’s DVL has been playing a crucial role in a pioneering robotics project that depends on accurate and reliable navigation to explore the tunnels…

User stories Subsea navigation
8 minutes

Nortek DVL adapted to smaller underwater vehicles

Nortek’s DVL instrument plays a central role in Fusion, a unique new approach to hybrid underwater vehicles that combines AUV and ROV capabilities…

User stories Subsea navigation
3 minutes
Nortek fusion integrated DVL

Collaborating to make small but powerful ROVs

When VideoRay was designing a subsea vehicle so compact it could be checked in as luggage at the airport, it teamed up with Nortek to keep the size…

User stories Subsea navigation
5 minutes
Defender 2 Not Cover

Offering optimal navigational performance for diver sonars through Nortek DVL integration

Small underwater vehicles are becoming more prevalent in the subsea community. The Nortek DVL can be customized for operational users of workclass…

User stories Subsea navigation
4 minutes
IMG 9981 2

A compact DVL improving the efficiency and quality of ROV data collection

Steep underwater walls are often important to investigate for multiple scientific end users such as biologists and geologists, as well as…

User stories Subsea navigation
7 minutes

DVL Generation 3 Release Notes

Updated: August 2024

Nortek Wiki Subsea navigation
4 minutes
Nortek Group 1920


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