Knowledge center
How to combat biofouling and extend your ADCP deployment
People deploying ADCPs to monitor currents or waves are often faced with problematic biofouling, which is the unwanted growth of algae, barnacles and…
Vessel-mounted current surveys along China's Maritime Silk Road
China’s recent wave of infrastructure renewal has included a large portfolio of developments, such as ports and other developments, that have a…
Turbulence study targets tidal-energy costs
Nortek is working with Bangor University’s School of Ocean Sciences on a major study of tidal turbulence in the Menai Strait, off the Welsh coast,…
How Plymouth University students get to grips with measuring currents through hands-on experience
During the final month of their second year, BSc Oceanography and Coastal Processes students at Plymouth University get important practical training…
Contributing to sustainable energy production from tidal turbines
Replacing fossil fuels with sustainable alternatives is both necessary and challenging. Meanwhile, tidal and river energy are among the key sources…
Providing high-performing current profiling for oil and gas production in Brazil
A company in the oil and gas industry needed a longer current profiling range for their floating production facility in Brazil, and found a solution…