Knowledge center

Current meters contribute to sustainable seaweed farming in Puget Sound

Seaweed farming is a sustainable practice that both removes dissolved carbon from seawater and produces healthy, environmentally friendly food.…

User stories Oceanography
6 minutes
Seaweed farm

Providing critical metocean data for a major offshore gasfield installation

Nortek’s Aquadopp 600 kHz current profiler provided valuable information on sea conditions during the installation of a Malaysian offshore gas…

User stories Oceanography
7 minutes
Floatover1 IMG20210828103303

Wave monitoring helps coastal risk management in Barbados

The Caribbean island of Barbados is well known for its tropical scenery, rich culture and crystal-blue ocean waters. To conserve these healthy…

User stories Oceanography
6 minutes
Measuring currents and waves for coastal risk management and environmental monitoring

Uncovering marine biophysical interactions with current meters

Zooplankton, a diverse group of mostly microscopic animals, are famed for their daily mass migrations to the sea surface from deeper waters. By using…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes

Current and wave monitoring supports a natural solution for Dutch flood defense

Nortek has been working closely with the Dutch government and research institutions to monitor how waves and currents would affect the pioneering use…

User stories Oceanography
8 minutes
Aerial photo

Gathering data with ADCPs to manage coastal flooding the natural way

With the threat of coastal flooding growing, understanding how we can mitigate its impact is more important than ever. Part of the answer may lie in…

User stories Oceanography
7 minutes
Dan Bentley Aquadopp Profiler in marsh credit Mason Flood Hazards Research Lab

At the forefront of hurricane research with University of Miami

Every year, as the Atlantic hurricane season unfolds, millions of people along the Eastern seaboard of the USA are keeping a careful watch on the…

User stories Oceanography
7 minutes
The Rosenstiel School Of Marine And Atmospheric Science

Improving storm surge forecasts with Doppler instrumentation

When Hurricane Irma headed towards Miami in the autumn of 2017, the University of Miami’s Professor Brian Haus was just one of millions of people who…

User stories Oceanography
3 minutes
Storm Surge

Release Notes for the Aquadopp and AWAC: Generation 2 Products

Updated: September 2024

Nortek Wiki Oceanography
19 minutes
Nortek Group 1920


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