Knowledge center

Studying environmental DNA and ocean currents to locate fish aggregations in Puerto Rico

Marine scientists in Puerto Rico are investigating if water samples can be used to determine what types of fish and other organisms are present in an…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes
Diver under water deploying Nortek instrument

Oceanographic data of extraordinary quality made possible by integration of ADCP on underwater glider

Alseamar, a producer of glider UUVs, has been able to produce highly accurate data plots of current profiles from large swathes of the water column.…

User stories Subsea navigation
15 minutes
2019 07 Alseamar 1 201

Providing current and wave data to the offshore wind energy industry

Nortek is supporting metocean survey and consulting company Partrac Ltd to provide floating windfarm developers with detailed and accurate data on…

User stories Oceanography
8 minutes
Nortek Windfarm HD 210701

Improving port operations in Brazil with real-time metocean monitoring

Metocean monitoring systems in ports have become increasingly popular in recent years. In what ways can such environmental data improve operations in…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes
A large container ship being maneuvered in the new turning basin at the Port of Itajaí, SC, Brazil. Photo ©: Itajaí

Supporting ocean conservation in reef habitats with the Eco current profiler

The innovative ocean conservation organization Blue Latitudes Foundation used the Eco ADCP to better understand the marine environment by artificial…

User stories Oceanography
5 minutes
The Blue Latitudes team prepares the Eco for deployment in Long Beach Harbor just outside Los Angeles California

A DVL enhancing autonomous navigation for ROV net inspections on fish farms

Norwegian researchers are working on projects that are providing the groundwork for a revolution in aquaculture. As a small part of this revolution,…

User stories Subsea navigation
11 minutes
A DVL enhancing autonomous navigation for ROV net inspections on fish farms

Wave monitoring helps coastal risk management in Barbados

The Caribbean island of Barbados is well known for its tropical scenery, rich culture and crystal-blue ocean waters. To conserve these healthy…

User stories Oceanography
6 minutes
Measuring currents and waves for coastal risk management and environmental monitoring

Learning from nature with bionic engineering and using DVLs to improve subsea vehicles

Find out how Nortek’s Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) is bringing greater navigational accuracy to impressive bionic subsea vehicles that use techniques…

User stories Subsea navigation
9 minutes
Manta Ray Evo Logics BOSS Manta Ray

Using ADCPs to unravel the dynamics between sea ice, ocean and climate

Collecting useful and reliable data on sea ice in the Arctic is essential to understand the factors affecting the global climate. How can researchers…

User stories Oceanography
10 minutes
Nortek employee working on the ship

Using ADCPs for world-class wave and ice research in the Arctic

Major changes are occurring in the ocean. Climate change and subsequent melting sea ice are not necessarily good changes. Why are acoustic Doppler…

User stories Oceanography
8 minutes
Nortek CODA FULL 8103995
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