Knowledge center

Using ADCPs to unravel the dynamics between sea ice, ocean and climate

Collecting useful and reliable data on sea ice in the Arctic is essential to understand the factors affecting the global climate. How can researchers…

User stories Oceanography
10 minutes
Nortek employee working on the ship

Using ADCPs for world-class wave and ice research in the Arctic

Major changes are occurring in the ocean. Climate change and subsequent melting sea ice are not necessarily good changes. Why are acoustic Doppler…

User stories Oceanography
8 minutes
Nortek CODA FULL 8103995

Uncovering marine biophysical interactions with current meters

Zooplankton, a diverse group of mostly microscopic animals, are famed for their daily mass migrations to the sea surface from deeper waters. By using…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes

Identifying shallow-ocean currents in an unusual manta ray habitat with the Eco ADCP

Understanding why marine animals are using some places and not others is crucial to minimizing our impact on them. Recently, the new Eco ADCP has…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes
Nortek instrument deployment image

Understanding flow velocities to keep navigation channels open in sediment-rich Dutch waters

A high rate of sediment deposition makes maintaining narrow navigational channels through the shallow tidal flats of the Wadden Sea in the…

User stories Oceanography Vessel-mounted
5 minutes
Image 02

Revealing complex tidal flows in the Santos Estuary with a vessel-mounted ADCP

A demonstration using a vessel-mounted Signature 500 ADCP in Brazil illustrates the level of knowledge that users can achieve through a simple…

User stories Oceanography Vessel-mounted
7 minutes
Revealing complex collage 08

Current profiling at a marine biodiversity hotspot in the Indian Ocean

Researchers from the University of Plymouth are revealing some of the secrets of one of the most environmentally significant areas of the Indian…

User stories Oceanography Vessel-mounted
10 minutes
Norteks Signature VM Ocean 100 k Hz ADCP with vertical multifrequency echosounder

Current and wave monitoring supports a natural solution for Dutch flood defense

Nortek has been working closely with the Dutch government and research institutions to monitor how waves and currents would affect the pioneering use…

User stories Oceanography
8 minutes
Aerial photo
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