Knowledge center

Shallow-water current measurement in intertidal creeks made easy

Australian hydrographic survey company Precision Hydrographic Services (PHS) deployed multiple Nortek Eco current profilers in creeks in northwest…

User stories Oceanography
7 minutes
IMG 1194

Using a versatile vessel-mounted ADCP to obtain high-resolution current data in estuarine and near-shore environments

The Signature 250 is the lowest available frequency of the Nortek's Signature VM Coastal series (250 kHz). Designed to sample in depths of up to 200…

User stories Oceanography Vessel-mounted
6 minutes
IMG 20200901 070102

Performance evaluation of an ADCP combined with a scientific echosounder

Echosounders are widely used to quantify fish behavior, fish stocks and zooplankton biomass. Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers have also been used…

User stories Oceanography
6 minutes
Nortek 73,8 kHz Echogram

Deploying a vessel-mounted ADCP on a USV to survey currents in a complex river environment

If a river crossing can be mapped using a USV instead of field personnel, then the risk to life is considerably reduced. Ultrabeam Hydrographic…

User stories Oceanography Vessel-mounted
4 minutes
Ultrabeam Hydrographic1

Flexible ADCP sensor solution for rapid inshore deployments of USVs

For HydroSurv, the capacity to quickly install and easily operate sensors on its USVs permits collection of critical environmental data at short…

User stories Oceanography Vessel-mounted
4 minutes
Figure 1

Studying water flow to maximize coral growth on reefs

A coral reef research team at San Diego State University is building floating structures called “Coral Arks” to learn more about the conditions coral…

User stories Oceanography
10 minutes
Nortek instrument under water

Studying environmental DNA and ocean currents to locate fish aggregations in Puerto Rico

Marine scientists in Puerto Rico are investigating if water samples can be used to determine what types of fish and other organisms are present in an…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes
Diver under water deploying Nortek instrument

Providing current and wave data to the offshore wind energy industry

Nortek is supporting metocean survey and consulting company Partrac Ltd to provide floating windfarm developers with detailed and accurate data on…

User stories Oceanography
8 minutes
Nortek Windfarm HD 210701

Improving port operations in Brazil with real-time metocean monitoring

Metocean monitoring systems in ports have become increasingly popular in recent years. In what ways can such environmental data improve operations in…

User stories Oceanography
9 minutes
A large container ship being maneuvered in the new turning basin at the Port of Itajaí, SC, Brazil. Photo ©: Itajaí

Supporting ocean conservation in reef habitats with the Eco current profiler

The innovative ocean conservation organization Blue Latitudes Foundation used the Eco ADCP to better understand the marine environment by artificial…

User stories Oceanography
5 minutes
The Blue Latitudes team prepares the Eco for deployment in Long Beach Harbor just outside Los Angeles California

Wave monitoring helps coastal risk management in Barbados

The Caribbean island of Barbados is well known for its tropical scenery, rich culture and crystal-blue ocean waters. To conserve these healthy…

User stories Oceanography
6 minutes
Measuring currents and waves for coastal risk management and environmental monitoring
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