Nortek 30097902295

Current measurement made simple and easy

Measurements of current profiles do not have to be complicated. Here’s why ADCPs in the Aquadopp Profiler series prove that current profiles can be easily obtained by users who are less experienced:
27 minutes

Whereas Nortek’s high-end Signature-series ADCPs offer a wealth of opportunities and possible configurations, our Aquadopp Profiler series is a good option for users who are less experienced. The Aquadopp Profiler series is easy to use, requires no knowledge about the flow conditions where the measurements will take place, and offers easy-to-understand information about the current profiles as a function of time.

A high-performing ADCP that is easy to handle and deploy

From the moment you receive your new Aquadopp Profiler, the first thing that strikes you is the small physical dimensions and the light weight of the instrument. It is simply very easy to handle and can even be hand-carried on flights. Weighing close to nothing in water, it does not require complex mooring systems or large buoyancy. If you wish, Nortek can supply a simple deployment frame that allows inline mooring, and the only things you then need in addition are an appropriate length of rope, a small underwater buoy and a bottom weight.

An Aquadopp Profiler with side-looking head mounted in an inexpensive, low profile frame.

Simple deployment planning software

The next nice thing happens once you have installed the deployment planning software and read the essential information provided by the Quick Guide brochure. The software allows you to configure your Aquadopp Profiler by simply telling it how and where it will be deployed, together with the measurement interval, the number of measurement cells and the size of each cell. That’s all you need to do.

The software then tells you, based on this information and the available battery capacity, how long you can expect to measure for. There is no need to know whether the currents will be strong or weak, as the Aquadopp Profiler handles any current speed without special configurations.

Near-bed measurements close to the beach made simple.

Easy access to current measurement data

When retrieving the Aquadopp Profiler you only need to “push” three buttons in the software to stop the data collection, download the stored data, and convert these to an ASCII file format. It is then up to you to decide whether you want to look at the data in Excel or similar, or to use a graphical software tool provided by Nortek.

With the Aquadopp Profiler it is very easy to get good data about the spatial distribution of currents in an area, without prior knowledge about the environmental conditions in that area.

Check out the Aquadopp Profiler series here:

Aquadopp Profiler 2 MHz: Short-range current profiling; option for PUV wave measurements.

Aquadopp Profiler 1 MHz: With up to 25 m current profiling range; option for PUV wave measurements.

Aquadopp Profiler 600 kHz: Up to 40 m current profiling range; easy to operate and deploy.

Aquadopp Profiler 400 kHz: Up to 90 m current profiling range; ideal for mean current measurements.


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